Video y Letra: CLoser

Joshua Radin es Dios asi que alabenlo y amen su musica.

Cancion: Closer

Artista: Joshua Radin


So, we’re alone again
i wish it were over
we seem to never end
only get closer
to the point where i can take no more

the clouds in your eyes
down your face they pour
won’t you be the new one burn to shine
i take the blue ones every time
walk me down your broken line
all you have to do is cry

hush my baby now
your talking is just noise and won’t lay me down amongst
your toys in a room where i can take no more

the clouds in your eyes
down your face they pour
won’t you be the new one burn to shine
i take the blue ones every time
walk me down your broken line
all you have to do is cry

photographs and brightly colored paper
are your mask you wear in this caper
that is our life
we walk right into the strife
and a tear from your eye brings me home

the clouds in your eyes
down your face they pour
won’t you be the new one burn to shine
i take the blue ones every time
walk me down your broken line
all you have to do is cry

Letra: The One You Knew

Cancion: The One You Knew

Autor: Joshua Radin


I’m leaving but don’t worry i’ll be back again,
you’re always right here
and you’re grieving but don’t hurry to your pack of friends,
I’ll stay it’s clear,

The one you knew from your love
I grew into complete and whole
and the way I justify,
it’s my way to control love everlasting

I see your sweater,
rests upon your bed reminds me of home,
it can’t be any better than it is in my head
I’m blinded by roam(?)

The one you knew from your love
I grew into complete and whole
and the way I justify
it’s my way to control

there’s only one way I know how to do this
stay here and help me live through this
and I’ll always be

the one you knew from your love
I grew into complete and whole
and the way I justify
it’s my way to control love everlasting

Joshua sonriendo!!

Letra: The Fear You Won’t Fall

Cancion: The Fear You Won’t Fall

Autor: Joshua Radin 


Digging a hole and the walls are caving in
Behind me air’s getting thin but I’m trying
I’m breathing in
Come find me
It hasn’t felt like this before
It hasn’t felt like home before you
And I know it’s easy to say but it’s harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can’t get my mind off of you
I know you’re scared that I’ll soon be over it
That’s part of it all
Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won’t fall
It hasn’t felt like this before
It hasn’t felt like home before you
And I know it’s easy to say but it’s harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should than I thought I could
Can’t get my mind off of you
And I hate the phone
But I wish you’d call
Thought being alone
Was better than was better than
And I know it’s easy to say but it’s harder to feel this way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can’t get my mind off of you
Can’t get my mind off of you
And I know it’s easy to say but it’s harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can’t get my mind off of you

Joshua Radin ps

Joshua Radin… definitivamente Dios

A ver, tienen que estar de acuerdo conmigo en que Joshua Radin definitivamente es Dios!

Empezemos por su musica que es de un estilo tan intimo, tan sentimental y delicada que simplemente uno empieza a sentir ese cosquilleo que provoca una letra y musica que mueve y toca hasta las fibras mas profundas del ser. Ese es Joshua Radin.

Ademas de que esta liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindoooooooooooooooooo!!! Su mirada es tan linda! Su sonrisa es preciosa!! (aunque no sonria mucho en sus fotos…) Que le hago, disculpen pero me encanta 😀

A ver que les tradusco su biografia, bueno una que encontre y es la mas completa… voy a buscar mas 🙂

<<Joshua Radin comenzo su carrera artistica a muy corta edad con el arte, la actuacion y la musica. Cuando su amigo Zack Braff escucho el demo de su cancion «Winter» se intereso inmediatamente y puso la cancion en uno de los capitulos de su show Scrubs. La cancion recibio una gran acogida y expuso a Joshua Radin lo suficiente para que siga en el medio.

Hasta ahora las canciones de Joshua han sido parte de la serie North Shore de la FOX y del drama medico Grey’s Anatomy de la ABC, ademas de que varias canciones suyas han seguido siendo parte de varios capitulos de Scrubs.

Su album We were here salio en el 2006 y entre las canciones figuran las que han formado parte de varias series de television.>>

Joshua Radin!!!

 Links: (que esperan!! den click!!)

Joshua Radin Official Site

Joshua Radin at MySpace